
Change log for AnotherFSM project

Version 0.2.0 (1 April 2013)

* Qfsm support - Parser of Qfsm project files, Java code generator.

* Preprocessors - Usage in state machines refactored, not backward compatible.
* Processor.start(), Processor.close() methods added.

* ThreadProcessor - Processor with internal thread and input queue.
* ProcesorGroup - Group of processors to work parallel.
* BasicLogger - Simple redirect of the messages to standard output stream.

* Minor changes, bug fixes, optimizations.
* Two new examples.
* A lot of unit tests added.

* FindBugs, Cobertura and SLOCCount used during development.

Version 0.1.0 (22 January 2013)

* Initial release. Changes will be logged from now on.